Pilgrimages to Lourdes 1982
1982 Pilgrimage to Lourdes
1982-lourdes grotto-the-spring
1982-Miraculous medal chair our lady sat in
1982group - Pilgrimage to Lourdes with Aunty Flo
Lourdes and France April 2009
2009-April Rue-du-bac-chair-used-by-our-lady
2009 April at-the-grotto-at-Nevers
2009 April Basilique-du-sacre-coeur-de-montmartre
2009 April At Nevers France
2009 April Rohan-Roshathi-and-Ramala in front of Our Lady's Statue Lourdes
2009 April Roshanthi-at-Nevers
2009 April Rue-du-bac France
2009 April Rue-du-bac St-Catherine-Laboure
2009 April St Georges Hotel Lourdes where we stayed
2009 April Way-of-the-cross-in Lourdes
Vatican, Rome, San Giovanni Rotondo April 2009
2009 April Vatican, Rome seated on the left side of the Papal stage
2009 April Vatican, Rome - Pope seen from the side where we were seated
2009 April Vatican, Rome Papal Guards
2009 April Vatican, Rome, San View of the Pope from our seats
2009 April Vatican, Rome - Cardinals coming to meet the Pope - view from our seats
2009 April Vatican, Rome - Rohan and Ramala posing in front of St Peter's Square
2009 April Vatican, Rome - Ramala in front of St Peter's Square
2009 April Vatican, Rome, San Giovanni Rotondo
2009 April Vatican, Rome, San Giovanni Rotondo

Rome April 2009
2009 April Rome April 2009-The Spanish Steps leading to the Trinità dei Monti Church at the top
2009 April-The Trevi Fountain is Rome's largest and most famous fountain
2009 April A Memorial tower in Rome
2009 April - Outskirts of Rome

San Giovanni Rotondo (Padre Pio Shrine) April 2009
2009 April San Giovanni Rotondo (Padre Pio Shrine) In front of the Church
2009 April Body of Padre Pio - San Giovanni Rotondo
2009 April San Giovanni Rotondo (Padre Pio Shrine) Painting
2009 April San Giovanni Rotondo (Padre Pio Shrine)
2009 April San Giovanni Rotondo (Padre Pio Shrine)

Prague, Czech Republic (Infant Jesus Shrine) May 2009
2009 April Travelling to Prague, Czech Republic from Vienna
2009 April Walking to Infant Jesus Church, Prague, Czech Republic
2009 April Infant Jesus Church, Prague, Czech Republic
2009 April Infant Jesus Church Tabernacle, Prague, Czech Republic
2009 April Walking to Infant Jesus Church, Prague, Clothes of statue regularly changed keeping with liturgical calendar
2009 April Walking to Infant Jesus Church, Prague, Clothes of statue regularly changed keeping with liturgical calendar
Milan, Italy - August 2013
2013 August - last-supper-on-wall-of-convent-in-milan
2013 August Milan, Italy- Family with Anula's family in front of the Milan Cathedral
2013 August Milan, Italy - Interior of Milan Cathedral
2013 August Milan - Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie location of the Last Supper - with Roshanthi
2013 August Milan - Convent where the Last Supper is in the Dining Room
Padua, Italy - St Anthony's Basilica - 13 June 2009
2009 June 13 Family at Padua on Feast of St Anthony
2009 June 13 Family at Padua. Italy on Feast of St Anthony
2009 June 13 St Anthony Church Padua
2009 June 13 St Anthony's Church, Padua
2009 June 13 tongue-of-st-anthony, St Anthony's Church, Padua, Italy
Holy Land August 2013
2013aug holyland-Colombo-airport-internet
2013aug holyland- family at baptismal-site
2013aug holyland- -date tree
2013aug holyland -cable-car-Mt-Temptation
2013aug holyland -Mt-Precipice
2013aug holyland -Mt-Precipice
2013aug holyland- Church-of-Transfiguration
2013aug holyland-Church-of-Multiplication
2013aug holyland- Mt Beatitudes
2013aug holyland- -boatride-Galilee
2013aug holyland- boatride-Galilee
2013aug holyland-Caprice Diamond Center
2013aug holyland- Wedding Cana - Mass
2013aug holyland-"word-was-made-flesh-and-dwelt-among-us"
2013aug holyland-House-of-Simon-the-tanner-Jaffa
2013aug holyland-Port-of-Jaffa
2013 August Holy Land ""Our Father" in many languages
2013aug holyland- Mount of Olives
2013aug holyland-Roshanthi on Camel-ride
2013aug holyland- Gethsemane - Celebrating Holy Mass
2013aug holyland- wailing wall
2013aug holyland-Zion gate
2013aug holyland-Domition-Abbey King-Davids-tomb
2013aug holyland-The-upper-room-last-supper
2013aug holyland-Gallicantu
2013aug holyland-Sacred-pit dungeon
2013aug holyland-Sacred-pit-dungeon
2013aug holyland-Childrens-holocaust-memorial
2013aug holyland-Shepherds-field
2013aug holyland-Nativity Church, Bethlehem
2013aug holyland-Nativity Church Bethlehem
2013aug holyland- Mt David Hotel
2013aug holyland-Mt David Hotel
2013aug holyland Amman Airport
2013 Aug Rohan getting re-baptised at the River Jordan site of Christ's baptism
2013 August 8 Holyland Rohan Receiving Holy Communion
2013 August 4 Holy land-Attending Holy Mass on Pilgrimage
2013 August 4 Holy Land-Way of the Cross in the Streets of Jerusalem