Preparations for the New High Voltage Laboratory - Earthing and Bonding 2017-03-25
Preparations for cutting polishing floor HV lab 2017-04-03
Preparations for opening in floor for staircase 2017-03-02
New lighting for the New High Voltage Laboratory 2017-03-16
HV equipment brought in crates to New High Voltage Laboratory 2017-04-17
(a) HV Equipment crates in storage, (b) Preparation of base of floor, (c) Preparing mesh for concreting of floor, (d) Preparations for earthing and bonding 2017-03-25, (e) Cutting and Polishing floor after concreting, (f) Opening made in floor for internal staircase 2017-03-02 (g) New lighting installed 2017-03-16 (h) HV Equipment crates brought to lab 2017-04-17
Installation of High Voltage Equipment
HV lab discussion with chinese - Dr Rasara and Technical Officer Asoka 2017-04-18
Opening crates of New HV Equipment inside HV Lab 2017-04-18
Opening HV control panel crates 2017-04-18
Preparing to lift HV equipment with crane 2017-04-18
Installing High Voltage Lab Equipment 2017-04-2016
Installation of High Voltage Lab Equipment 20170421
Installing High Voltage Equipment 2017-04-22
Assembling components of HV Equipment 2017-04-22
Assembling HV Equipment components 2017-04-22
Shifting HV Equipment within HV Lab with crane 2017-04-22
Keeping HV-equipment with Crane on landing 2017-04-22
Unloading HV equipment inside lab 2017-04-22
Bringing HV Lab equipment into lab 2017-04-22
Moving HV equipment inside lab 2017-04-22
Installing HV lab equpment 2017-04-24
Impulse generator nameplate
DC generator nameplate
(a) Discussion with chinese - Dr Rasara and Asoka 2017-04-18, (b) Opening crates in HV Lab 2017-04-18, (c) Opening HV Control Panels 2017-04-18, (d) Preparing to lift HV Equipment with Crane 2017-04-18, (e) Installing HV Lab Equipment 2017-04-20, Installing HV Lab Equipment 2017-04-21, (f) Installing Equipment in HV Lab 2017-04-22, (g) Assembling components of HV Equipment 2017-04-22, (h) Assembling components of HV Equipment 2017-04-22, (i) Shifting HV Equipment with crane 2017-04-22, (j) Preparing to shift Control Panel upstairs 2017-04-22, (k) Shifting Control Panel upstairs 2017-04-22, (l) Keeping control equipment on landing 2017-04-22, (m) Unloading HV equipment-inside lab 2017-04-22, (n) Bringing HV equipment into lab 2017-04-22, (o) Installing HV Lab equpment 2017-04-24, (p) Impulse Generator nameplate, (q) DC Generator nameplate
Commissioning and Operation of the of the New High Voltage Equipment in the HV Laboratory
Commissioning HV-lab equipment 2017-04-24
Dr Rasara Commissioning HV-lab equpment 2017-04-24
Prof Lucas commissioning HV-lab equipment 2017-04-24
Asoka Commissioning HV lab equipment 2017-04-24
Commissioning of Impulse Generator in the presence of Prof Lucas 2017-04-24
Operating Impulse generator 2017-04-24
Prof Lucas operating Impulse Generator 2017-04-24
Impulse Generator control panel on screen 2017-04-24
New HV-lab entrance from roadway-2017-07-24
Bringing-in-transformer-for-testing 2017-04-25
Connecting HV transformer for testing 2017-04-25
Preparing-to-test-transforemer with new High Voltage Impulse Generator 2017-04-25
Simultaneous display of voltage-and-current-waveformsof Impulse Generator 2017-04-25
Leakage current waveforms from-Impulse Generator 2017-04-25
Impulse-generator waveforms 2017-04-24
Testing-a-small-transformer 2017-05-02
New earthed safety mesh and internal staircase 2017-05-09
Senior staff posing in new HV-lab just-after-commissioning 2017-04-25
Audience in balcony of new HV-lab at university exhibition 2017-04-28
(a) Commissioning HV Labequipment 2017-04-24 Asoka Chandana, (b) Commissioning HV Labequipment 2017-04-24 Dr Rasara Samarasinghe, (c) Commissioning HV Labequipment 2017-04-24 Prof J R Lucas, (d) Commissioning HV Labequipment 2017-04-24, (e) Commissioning Impulse Generator 2017-04-24, (f) Operating Iimpulse Generator 2017-04-24 Asoka, (g) Operating Iimpulse Generator 2017-04-24 Prof Lucas, (h) Observing Impulse Generator Control Panel on screen 2017-04-24, (i) New HV-lab entrance from roadway-2017-07-24, (j) Bringing in LTL transformer for testing 2017-04-25, (k) Connecting HV Transformer for Testing 2017-04-25, (l) Preparing to test Transforemer with new HV Impulse Generator 2017-04-25, (m) Simultaneous display of voltage and current waveforms of HVImpulse Generator 2017-04-25, (n) Display of leakage current waveforms fromHV Impulse Generator 2017-04-25, (o) Impulse generator test waveforms observed 2017-04-24, (p) Testing-a small Transformer-2017-05-02, (q) New safety-mesh and Internal Staircase 2017-05-09, (r) Senior Staff posing with chinese in HV Lab just after commissioning 2017-04-25, (s) New HV-lab at University Exhibition 2017-04-28
Naming and Opening of the of the Rohan Lucas High Voltage Laboratory
New HV Lab on 2017-06-29
Eng UD Jayawardena Unveiling Nameplate and Opening the Rohan Lucas High Voltage Laboratory
Chancellor KKYW Perera and Eng UD Jayawardena near the HV controlpanels at Opening of the of the Rohan Lucas High Voltage Laboratory
HV area of the Rohan Lucas High Voltage Laboratory
Distinguished guests at the balcony viewing HV area below
Lakshitha, Roshanthi and Avisha in the balcony at the Opening of the of the Rohan Lucas High Voltage Laboratory
Family of Rohan Lucas at HV lab opening 2017-10-17
(a) New HV-lab on 2017-06-29, (b) Unveiling Name "Rohan Lucas HighVoltage Laboratory" on 2017-10-17 by Eng UD Jayawardena, (c) Chancellor Prof KKYW Perera and Eng UD Jayawardena near the HV control panels, (d) HV Area in Lab at Oopening, (e) HV Lab view from balcony at HV Lab Opening, (f) Lakshitha, Roshanthi and Avisha at HV Lab balcony obseving HV area below, (g) Family of Prof Lucas posing with him after the ceremonial opening on 2017-10-17.
Presentations at the EE Seminar Room at the Inauguration of the Rohan Lucas High Voltage Laboratory
Audience at the presentations at the EE Seminar Room on 17 October 2017
Prof KKYW Perera and Eng UD Jayawardena at the Presentations at the EE Seminar Room
Rohan Lucas's family-at Presentations at the EE Seminar Room 2017-10-17
Dr Rasara Samarasinghe doing a presentation at the EE Seminar Room
Prof Nalin Wickramaarachchi (HoD Electrical) doing a presentation at the EE Seminar Room
Prof Ananda Jayawardena doing a presentations at the EE Seminar Room
Eng UD Jayawardena (CEO LTL Holdings) doing a presentation at the EE Seminar Room
Prof Rohan Lucas addressing the gathering at the EE Seminar Room
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(a) Audience in the EE Seminar Room 2017-10-17, (b) Prof KKYW Perera and Eng UD Jayawardena in the EE Seminar Room, (c) Prof Lucas's family at HV lab-opening 2017-10-17, (d) Dr Rasara Samarasinghe talking at HV lab opening/naming, (e) Prof Nalin Wickramaarachchi -HoD EE- speaking at the event, (f) Prof Ananada Jayawardena -VC- speaking at the event, (g) Eng U D Jayawardena - CEO LTL Holdings - speaking at the event, (h) Prof Rohan Lucas speaking at the event.