Research & Publications
Research Interests

- Power system simulator - Developed by undergraduates under the guidance of Prof Rohan Lucas, Eng Jayasiri Karunanayake and Dr Narendra de Silva, with `eighteen 11 kV vacuum circuit breaker panels giving the breaking facility. Generator supply is given from a motor-generator set and a diesel generator. Modern digital protection has been provided for the transmission lines in the model, built from wound inductance and capacitance components. The transmisision lines are operated at 400V for reasons of student safety. Practical teaching is to be carried out in an integrated manner on this simulator.
- Power system transient analysis & modelling
- Transformer modelling
- Energy efficient lighting
- Solar energy dispatch
- High voltage engineering and condition monitoring
Google Scholar Profile, ResearchGate Profile, ORCID Profile
Technical Publications (updated 14th January 2025)
- "Prediction of the overall effect of cloud cover on power quality of PV solar power plants", IEEE 6th International Conference on Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Engineering (ICECIE 2024), Pattaya, Thailand, November 23, 2024 (I.I.B.Jayasinghe, H.D.N.N.Thilottama, P.M.P.Prasadini, H.H.A.I.Amarasinghe, Udaya Dampage, J.R.Lucas) DOI: 10.1109/ICECIE63774.2024.10815686. Link to Certificate
- "A Surge Absorber for the Sri Lankan Distribution Substation to Mitigate Lightning Damage", International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology - IRJIET, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 69-73, January 2024 (AGR Sandeepa, Prof. JR Lucas). DOI
- "Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Using Footsteps", Journal of Advances in Engineering (JOAE), Vol 02, Issue 01, September 2023, pp 9-16 (Anuji Withana, Sharadha Samarakoon, Hashini Amarasuriya, Bumindi Peiris and Rohan Lucas) Link to Online Journal
- "Voltage Impact on Oil Pipelines from High Voltage Underground Cables: Relocation of Overhead Lines at Kelanitissa", ENGINEER - Vol. LVI, No. 04, pp. [37-45], 2023 (J.R. Lucas, Rasara Samarasinghe, Navodana Kankanamge and Guvanthi Abeysinghe) DOI:
- "Lightning Protection of Stupas in Sri Lanka", ENGINEER - Vol. LVI, No. 03, pp. [121-130], 2023 (J. Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.4038/engineer.v56i3.7609
- "Voltage Regulation of Distribution Feeders during High-Photo Voltaic Penetration due to Roof-top SolarVoltage Regulation of Distribution Feeders during High-Photo Voltaic Penetration due to Roof-top Solar", Journal of Advances in Engineering (JOAE), Vol 01, Issue 02, February 2023, pp 1-6 (J.R.Lucas, Silva, C.D. Pathirana, W.M.U.A.Wickramasinghe, Silva, M.G.S.D.Kumara, M.S.B.Wedakarge)
- "A Consequence of Failure of Mid Span CompressionJoint on the Kelanitissa-Kolonnawa Line", ENGINEER - Vol. LVI, No. 02, pp. [93-97], 2023 (J. Rohan Lucas and Nanda Munasinghe) DOI:
- "Modelling the lumped parameter network of a power transformer using sweep frequency response analysis", Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp. 1–13, May 2023 (Jayarathna P, Ediriweera S, Samarasinghe R and Lucas R),
- "Electricity Cost Reduction of Industrial/General Electricity Cost Reduction of Industrial/GeneralPurpose Customers in Sri Lanka using Solar PV andBattery Storage", Engineer - Vol. LVI, No. 01, pp. [63-70], 2023 (J.R. Lucas and S.V. Herath) DOI:
- "Investigation of oil level and type of solid insulator on creeping discharges propagating under an ac electric field", Journal of National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka (JNSF), Vol 50, No 4, December 2022, pp 725-732 (S Ediriweera, PB Jayarathna, R Samarasinghe, and R Lucas)
DOI: - "Analysis of instantaneous, daily and monthly statistics 2017-2021 of rooftop solar energy", Journal of National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka (JNSF), Vol 50, No 4, December 2022, pp 799-811 (J R Lucas)
DOI: - "Fractal characteristics of creeping discharges propagating onFractal characteristics of creeping discharges propagating onnano-epoxy composite insulators immersed in coconut oil", Journal of National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka (JNSF), Vol 50, No 3, September 2022, pp 663-673 (S Ediriweera, PB Jayarathna, R Samarasinghe, and R Lucas)
DOI: - "Assessment of Solar Output Intermittency through Domestic Rooftop Site Data for 2017-2021", Journal of Advances in Engineering (JOAE), Vol 01, Issue 01, August 2022, pp 1-6 (J. Rohan Lucas) )
- "Nature of Series-Arc Faults and Parameters AffectingNature of Series-Arc Faults and Parameters Affectingthe Risk of Domestic Electrical Fires", Engineer Journal, 2022 April, Vol 55, No 2, pp 63-70 (Authors: S.P. Somathilaka, N.T. Senarathna, H.E. Hewapathirana, W.M.K.S. Sumathipala,S.P. Somathilaka, N.T. Senarathna, H.E. Hewapathirana, W.M.K.S. Sumathipala,K.T.M.U. Hemapala, J.R. Lucas and P.S.N. de Silva)
- "What guarantee can be given for the electrical power output from a fixed rooftop solar installation?", SLEMA Journal, 2021, Vol 24, No 2, pp 1-7 (Author: J Rohan Lucas ) DOI: 10.4038/slemaj.v24i2.30
- "Effect on the Use of Natural Esters on the Area of the Creeping Discharge Propagation" , Abstract, December 2021, The Wayamba University Research Congress (WURC) 2021, pp 147-148. (Authors:Sampath Ediriweera, K.L.I.M Pramod B Jayarathna, Rasara Samarasinghe, Rohan Lucas)
- "Analysis of Corona Characteristics of HVAC and HVDC in a Simulation Environment", October 2021, 3rd International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems (ICHVEPS) (Authors: TMSR Thennakoon, SVD Dilshan, JMR Kaldasani, R Samarasinghe, JR Lucas) DOI:10.1109/ICHVEPS53178.2021.9601009
- "Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System" , September 2021, 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering (EECon) (Authors: K Vidanapathirana, KAHS Kumarapeli, MADD Marasinghe, DP Amarasinghe, JR Lucas) DOI:10.1109/EECon52960.2021.9580961
- "Influence of Water and Powder Contaminants on Dielectric Strength of Transformer Oil" , September 2021, 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering (EECon) (Authors: M.S.M. Abeyrathna, M.M.L.K. Karunaratne, K.P.V. Kahingala, R Samarasinghe, JR Lucas) DOI:10.1109/EECon52960.2021.9580950
- "Learning Assistant Tool for Outdoor AC Grid Sub Station Grounding Design" IET Young Professionals Technical Conference (IET YPTC) 2021,14th August 2021. Online conference, Colombo, (Authors: W.M.M.H. Weerasinghe, H.R.T. Fernando, Nitu Linkha, J.R. Lucas, M.H.D. Wimalaratne) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11046.34881
- "Investigation on the Use of Natural Esters to Minimize the Creeping Discharge Propagation" 2021 IEEE 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) PEIA-I, 12 August 2021. Online conference, (Authors: W. E. P. Sampath Ediriweera, K. L. I. M. Pramod B Jayarathna, Rasara Samarasinghe, Joseph Rohan Lucas) DOI:10.1109/ICIAfS52090.2021.9605858
- " BESS as a UPS to Power Systems With High Solar Penetration" Frontiers in Energy Research, Open Access Journal, Published: 16 July 2021, doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.653015 pp. 1-13 (Authors: Devin Aluthge, K. T. M. Udayanga Hemapala and J. Rohan Lucas) DOI:10.3389/fenrg.2021.653015
- " Investigation on the Effect of the Cross-Section of Insulators on the Radial Discharge Distribution ofCreeping Discharges " 2021 International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021. pp. 1-4 (Authors: Sampath Ediriweera, Pramod Jayarathna, Rasara Samarasinghe, Rohan Lucas) DOI:10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493995
- " A Tool to Determine the Hydrophobicity of Insulators using Contact Angle of a Water Droplet" 2021 International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021. pp. 1-4 (Authors: Supun Amarathunga, Lochana Ranatunga, Prabath Lakmal, Dimuth Saranga, Rasara Samarasinghe, Joseph Rohan Lucas) DOI:10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493867
- " A Study on Simulated Creeping Discharges" 2020 Wayamba University Research Congress (WURC), Kuliyaitiya, Sri Lanka, 12 February 2021, pp. 38-39 (Authors: Sampath Ediriweera, Pramod Jayarathna, Rasara Samarasinghe, J. Rohan Lucas)
- "Effect of the Shape of the Boundary Configuration on Discharge Length and Density of Creeping Discharges" IEEE-WIESymp2000 (IEEE International Women in Engineering Symposium 2020), Online Conference | Poster 15 November 2020, Sri Lanka (Authors: Sampath Ediriweera, Pramod Jayarathna, Rasara Samarasinghe, J. Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24151.91049
- "Localizing Hotspot in an Oil Immersed Distribution Transformer Using Finite Element Analysis" EPEC 2020 (IEEE Canada Power and Energy Conference) Virtual Conference | Pre-print 9-10 November 2020, Edmonton, Canada (Authors: E G P Ediriweera, K Wickramasinghe, K R I Sithmini, E A A G Ekanayaka, Rasara Samarasinghe, J. Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.1109/EPEC48502.2020.9320046
- "Determination of Magnetization Characteristics of a Three-Phase Transformer Using Inrush Current Waveform" EPEC 2020 (IEEE Canada Power and Energy Conference) Virtual Conference | Pre-print 9-10 November 2020, Edmonton, Canada (Authors: Dohitha B. Yapa, Danuka Yasuranda Bentharavithana, Nirod Rathnaweera, Thushari Wimalarathna, Joseph Rohan Lucas, Rasara Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/EPEC48502.2020.9320091
- "Influence of Thickness of Solid Insulators on Creeping Discharges Propagating over Epoxy and Glass Insulators Immersed in Coconut Oil" EPEC 2020 (IEEE Canada Power and Energy Conference) Virtual Conference | Pre-print date 9-10 November 2020, Edmonton, Canada (Authors: Sampath Ediriweera, Pramod Jayarathna, Rasara Samarasinghe and Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.1109/EPEC48502.2020.9320088
- "Effect of size and position of pin holes on transformer core loss" KDU IRC 2020 (13th International Research Conference) Sem-Virtual Conference | Pre-print 15-16 October 2020 (Authors:MDCD Modaragamage, S Aarabi, HKY Liyanage, H Senevirathne, and JR Lucas)
- "Battery Energy Storage System to Improve Reliability due to Under Frequency Load Shedding" ICCCA 2020 (5th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation) Virtual Conference | Pre-print IEEE Conference, October 30-31, 2020 (Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania & Galgotias University, India) (Authors: C. Devin Aluthge, K. T. M. Udayanga Hemapala, J. Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.1109/ICCCA49541.2020.9250889
- "Using BESS to Achieve Power System Dynamic Stability when High Solar Penetration is present: Case study Sri Lanka" SPIES 2020 (2nd International Conference on Smart Power & Internet Energy Systems) Virtual Conference | Pre-print 2 - 4 June 2020, Bangkok, Thailand (Authors: C. Devin Aluthge, K. T. M. Udayanga Hemapala, J. Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.1109/SPIES48661.2020.9243044
- "Effect of the Shape of the Cross-Section of the Solid Insulators Immersed in Coconut Oil on the Area and the Dimension of Creeping Discharge Propagation" PowerCon 2020 (IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology) Virtual Conference | Pre-print 14-16 September 2020, Bangalore) (Authors: Sampath Ediriweera, Pramod Jayarathna, Rasara Samarasinghe and Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.1109/POWERCON48463.2020.9230573
- "Techno-Economic Viability of Large Scale Solar Integration with Battery Storage for Grid Substations: A Case Study for Sri Lanka" Engineer, Journal of the IESL | Pre-print September 2020, Vol 53, No. 2 (Authors: M. Prabhani, U. Jayatunga and J. R. Lucas) DOI:10.4038/engineer.v53i4.7426
- "Optimum Battery Capacity for a Rooftop PV Solar System" MERCon 2020 (6th Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference) Virtual Conference | Pre-print 28-30 July 2020, Moratuwa (Authors: J R Lucas, OC Devanarayana, APKS Pathirana, WFRC Fernando, PSC Boteju) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon50084.2020.9185275
- "Effect of the Thickness of the Solid Insulators on the Creeping Discharge Propagation Under AC Voltages", 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES 2019), Perth, Australia, December 10-12, 2019 | Pre-print September 2019 (Authors: Sampath Ediriweera, Pramod Jayarathna, Rasara Samarasinghe. Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.1109/ICPES47639.2019.9105581
- "Fractal Analysis of Creeping Discharges Propagating over Solid/Liquid interfaces-Influence of Oil Level", 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES 2019), Perth, Australia, December 10-12, 2019 | Pre-print September 2019 (Authors: Sampath Ediriweera, Pramod Jayarathna, Rohan Lucas, Rasara Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/ICPES47639.2019.9105611
- "Study on Triangular Excitations for Accelerated SFRA of Power Transformers", 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES 2019), Perth, Australia, December 10-12, 2019 | Pre-print September 2019 (Authors: K L I M Pramod B Jayarathna, W E P Sampath Ediriweera, Rasara Samarasinghe, Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.1109/ICPES47639.2019.9105567
- "Determining the Magnetization Characteristic of a Three-Phase Star-Star Transformer using Inrush Current Waveforms", KDU International Research Conference 2019 (IRC 2019), Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, 11-12 September 2019 (Authors: I.U. Jalthotage, C. D. Aluthge, K.D.O.V. Dharmawardene, K.A.L. Wijeratne and J.R. Lucas)
- "Techno-Economic Solution for Semi-Dispatchable Solar", KDU International Research Conference 2019 (IRC 2019), Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, 11-12 September 2019 (Authors: P M D Nayanathara, H S Perera, R A H M P N N Abeyrathne, J R Lucas)
- "A Mathematical Model to Determine the Temperature Distribution of a Distribution Transformer", MERCon 2019, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, July 2019 (Authors: Lakmini Wanninayaka, Supun Fernando. Rohan Lucas. Chrishmal Edirisinghe) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon.2019.8818872
- "Remote Monitoring Tool for Condition Assessment of Power Transformers", MERCon 2019, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, July 2019 (Authors: Pubudu Haputhanthirige, Vimukthi Gamage, Stephan Fernando, Rasara Samarasinghe, Thirasara Gunaruwan, Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon.2019.8818833
- "Effect of the Shape of the Solid Insulators on Creeping Discharge Propagation Under AC Voltages", MERCon 2019, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, July 2019 (Authors: Sampath Ediriweera, Pramod Jayarathna, Rasara Samarasinghe, Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon.2019.8818749
- "Obtaining the Magnetization Characteristic of a Transformer using Inrush Current Waveforms", ERU Poster Presentation, MERCon 2019, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, July 2019 (Authors: Devin Aluthge, Ishanthi Upamalika Jalthotage, C D Aluthge, K D O V Dharmawardana, K A L Wijeratne, Rohan Lucas) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26462.48969
- "Cost Effective Battery Storage for Intermittency of Solar", ERU Poster Presentation, MERCon 2019, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, July 2019 (Authors: D Nayanathara, H S Perera, R A H M P N N Abeyrathne, Rohan Lucas)
- "Develop a Series Arc Fault Detector to Minimize the Risk of Domestic Electrical Fires", ERU Poster Presentation, MERCon 2019, Moratuwa, July 2019 (Authors: Hasinthaka Hewapathirana, Sachini Somathilaka, Nadun Senarathna, Kaushalya Sumathipala, Rohan Lucas, K T M U Hemapala, Narendra de Silva) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12201.85601
- "The Economic Comparison of Reservoir Type and Run of the River Type Hydropower Plants: A Case Study for Upper Kotmale Hydropower Plant", Engineer, Vol. 50, No. 04, pp. 75-84, October 2018 (Authors: H. A. H. Amanda, WDAS Wijayapala. Rohan Lucas, W. J. L. S. Fernando) DOI:10.4038/engineer.v51i4.7315
- "Condition Monitoring System for Outdoor Insulators", EECon 2018, 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 28 September 2018, The Kingsbury Hotel, Colombo, (co-authors: I M A M Karunarathna, K T L Karunathilaka, W M H M Wanasinghe, G K L Sampath, Rasara Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/EECon.2018.8541012
- "Effect of Barrier and Its Shape over the Breakdown Voltage of Oil Gaps", EECon 2018, 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 28 September 2018, Colombo, Proceedings pp 93-98 (co-authors: Sampath Ediriweera, K.L.I.M Pramod B Jayarathna, Rasara Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/EECon.2018.8540987
- "An Improved Wide Frequency Model for VFTO of Power Transformers Using Transfer Functions", EECon 2018, 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 28 September 2018, Colombo, Proceedings pp 81-86 (co-authors: K.L.I.M Pramod B Jayarathna, Sampath Ediriweera, Rasara Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/EECon.2018.8540988
- "A Mathematical Model to determine the Temperature Distribution of a Distribution Transformer", Undergraduate Paper, July 2018 (co-authors: Supun Fernando, Surangi Wanninayaka, Chrishmal Edirisinghe)
"Log Periodic Antenna Based Partial Discharge Detector for Condition Monitoring of High Voltage Insulators", 2018 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), p 1-6, (co-authors: Dinusha Madushani, Dinindu Siriwardhana, Uditha Wijethunge, Rasara Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon.2018.8421927
- "Modelling Transfer Function of Power Transformers Using Sweep Frequency Response Analysis", 2018 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), (co-authors: K. L. I. M. Pramod B. Jayarathna, W. E. P. Sampath Ediriweera, R. Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon.2018.8421904
- "Effect of the Shape of the Insulator on Fractal Characteristics of Creeping Discharges", 2018 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), p 1-5 (co-authors: W. E. P. Sampath Ediriweera, K. L. I. M. Pramod B. Jayarathna, R. Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon.2018.8421974
- "A Tool For Estimating Remaining Life Time of a Power Transformer", 2017 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), p 373-378 (co-authors: W.D.A.G.Hillary, K.L.I.M.P.B. Jayarathna, L.I.Ranasinghe, S.M.B.P. Samarakoon, N.M.T.N.Rathnayake, R. Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon.2017.7980513
- "Microstrip Patch Antenna for Partial Discharge detection as a condition monitoring tool of power system assets", 2017 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), p 368-372, (co-authors: W. E. P. S. Ediriweera, K. S. Priyanayana, R. M. A. P. Rajakaruna, R. A. K. G. Ranasinghe, R. Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon.2017.7980512
- "Open conductor fault detection", 2017 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), p 363-367 (co-authors: D.K.J.S Jayamaha, I.H.N Madhushani, R.S.S.J Gamage, P.P.B Tennakoon, U. Jayatunga) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon.2017.7980511
- "Wind Turbine Emulator for a Microgrid", International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies [i-PACT2017], p 1-6 (co-authors: K. M. G. Y. Sewwandi, T. S. S. Senarathna, K. A. H. Lakshika, V. Y. Wong, K. T. M. U. Hemapala, G. D. Porawagamage) DOI: 10.1109/IPACT.2017.8244901
- "Operation of a Grid Connected Microgrid with a Variable Load Bus and a Diesel Generator Set", International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies [i-PACT2017], p 1-6 (co-authors: M.K.G. Lakshitha, K.D.M. Jayawardhana, M.A.K.S. Boralessa, W.G.R.W. Rohitha, K.T.M.U. Hemapala, Narendra De Silva, G.D. Porawagamage) DOI: 10.1109/IPACT.2017.8244901
- "A Low Cost Partial Discharge Measuring System for a High Voltage Laboratory", PowerCon 2016, Wollongong, p1-6 (co-authors: S. D. M. S. Gunawardana, A. A. T. Kanchana, H. A. P. B. Perera, P. M. Wijesinghe, R. Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/POWERCON.2016.7753949
- "Power System Simulator - A Teaching Tool, Protection Integration", Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) 2016, p231-236, (co-authors: R.S.M.Jothimuni, H.M.D.M.B.Wijerathne, C.A.N.Yapa, D.W.N.T.Wijethunga, P.S.N de Silva) DOI: 10.1109/MERCon.2016.7480145
- "A Methodology to Develop a Distribution Transformer", ENGINEER - Vol. XLIX, No. 02, p.51-59, 2016 (co-authors: W.D.A.S. Wijayapala and L.S. Hasthanayake) DOI:10.4038/engineer.v49i2.7008
- “A low cost partial discharge measuring system for a high voltage laboratory”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), 1-6, September 2016, (co-authors: S Gunawardana, AAT Kanchana, H Perera, PM Wijesinghe, R Samarasinghe) DOI: 10.1109/POWERCON.2016.7753949
- “Generation Cost Optimization through a Network Stability Study” –Final Report– LNW Arachchige, JR Lucas, MMS Nakandala, Submitted to PUCSL, July 2016
- “A Methodology to Develop a Distribution Transformer Model for Transient Studies” WDAS Wijayapala, JR Lucas, LS Hasthanayake, Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka 49 (2), 2016 DOI: 10.4038/engineer.v49i2.7008
- “Capacitance and tan δ measuring equipment for high voltage insulation modelling and simulation” CM Gamage, JM Nupehewa, K Kodikara, SAD Chathuranga, R Samarasinghe, JR Lucas, Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 2016, 248-253
- “Power System Simulator-a teaching tool protection integration”, Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 2016, 231-236, (co-authors: RSM Jothimuni, H Wijerathne, CAN Yapa, D Wijethunga, JR Lucas, PSN de Silva)
- "Design of an Electronic Governor for a Diesel Generator with Synchronous, Isochronous and Islanded Modes", Trans IESL 2015, Colombo, (co-authors: M.P.L.Jayathilake, K.P.M.Karunanayake, A.M.M. Karunarathna, A.P.M.Kethumalika, P.S.N.De Silva)
- “Automatic governor for tie-line control: A teaching tool”, Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 2015, 82-87, (co-authors: LUN de Silva, D Deegala, IMM Karunathilake, P Kumari, PSN de Silva)
- “A MATLAB Simulink Model for a Partial Discharge Measuring System”, 1st Electrical Engineering Conference (EECon), Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte, 2015, (co-authors: S Gunawardana, PM Wijesingha, H Perera, AAT Kanchana)
- “A DC Link for the Power System Simulator - As A teaching tool,” 1st Electrical Engineering Conference (EECon), Sri Lanka, pp. 18-22, 2015 (co-authors: PM Abeyrathne, AMGT Abeysinghe, IM Karunanayake, PMH Ranasinghe, MP Dias)
- "Power System Simulator with Vacuum Breakers : A Teaching Tool", IET Sri Lanka YMS Sessions, 2014, (co-authors: C.L Fernando, A.R Devinda, M.H.M Fernando, D.M.S Dissanayaka)
- "Profile of the Sri Lankan Electrical Engineering Industry", Engineer, Vol.: XLVII, No. 02, April 2014, p9–21 (Co-authors: Buddika Jayasekera, Satish Namasivayam and LankaUdawatta) DOI:10.4038/engineer.v47i2.6864
- "Design and Construction of an Automated Lead Acid Battery Test Bench", IET Sri Lanka Annual Sessions, 2013, p 1-4 (co-authors: R.A.Rathnasinghe, E.Sachintha, T.Sajani, K.S.Samarakoon, H.D.C.K.Samarasekara)
- "Modelling of Mini Hydro Plants in Long Term Planning Studies – A Sri Lankan Case Study", Engineer, Vol.: XXXXVI, No. 01, January 2013, p1–10 (Co-authors: N A Mudannayake, and Tilak Siyambalapitiya) DOI:10.4038/engineer.v46i1.6899
- "Macro Scale Modelling of Wind Plants in Long Term Planning Studies – A Sri Lankan Case Study", Engineer Vol.: XXXXVI, No. 01, January 2013, p11–20 (Co-authors: N A Mudannayake, and Tilak Siyambalapitiya) DOI:10.4038/engineer.v46i1.6900
- "Use of Load Shedding Scheme to Increase the Capacity Limit on the Single Largest Generator", Engineer Vol.: XXXXVI, No. 01, January 2013, p31–36 (Co-authors: C K S Hapuarachchi, M D M C Gunawardena, D P Haputhanthri, I G C Harshana, J R Lucas and W D A S Wijayapala) DOI:10.4038/engineer.v46i1.6902
- "Directions for Solving Bad Workman Practices in Power Distribution Line Connections", Engineer, Vol.: XXXXV, No. 03, 2012, p33-44 (Co-authors: AGDP Jayasekara, WDAS Wijayapala) DOI: 10.4038/engineer.v45i3.6931
- "A Basis for a Natural Electricity Tariff - A Case Study of the Domestic sector", (Co-author: N. Wickramarachchi), SLEMA Journal, Vol 15, Nos. 1 and 2, Sept 2012
- "Design and Build A Transmission Line for a Real Life Power System Model", PATW Sri Lanka 2011, p 62-65 S.V.Herath, C.Ileperuma, W.J.M.L.Himal, K.S.Hettiarachchi. Supervisors: J.R.Lucas, J.Karunanayake
- "Equal Right to Sri Lanka’s Natural Energy Resources", Vidulka, August 2011, p (Co-author: N. Wickramarachchi) - Presented at National Energy Symposium, BMICH, Colombo
- "Analysis of Surface Flashover of 33kV Pin Type Insulators due to Saline Pollution", Engineer Vol.: XXXXIII, No. 04, October 2010, p11-16 (Co-authors: N.H.C Janaka, D.G.R. Fernando)
- "Inclusion of Small Signal Stability Assessment to Electromagnetic Transient Programs", Proceedings of 4th IASTED International Conference, April 2008, Malaysia, POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS (AsiaPES 2008), ISBN CD: 978-0-88986-732-1. (Co-authors : U.D. Annakkage, C.Karawita, D.Muthumuni, R.P. Jayasinghe), p261-265
Paper presented at the 4th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems April 2 4, 2008, Langkawi, Malaysia. - "Intelligent Lightning Warning System", Proceeding of the 2007 Third International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, Melbourne, Australia, December 2007, pp 19-24. (Co-authors : Geeth Jayendra, Sisil Kumarawadu, Lilantha Neelawala, Chathura Jeevantha, P. Dharmapriya)
- "Determination of One Dimensional Earth Resistivity Profile in Multilayer Soil", Proceeding of 13th Annual Symposium on Research for Industry, Engineering Research Unit, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, October 2007, pp.8-11. (Co-authors : IT Dharmadasa, L Udawatta and WDAS Wijepala)
- "Design and Construction of Constant Voltage Transformer", Proceedings of the First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, 8 - 11 August 2006, Sri Lanka, p 40-45 (co-authors: N.N.R Mendis, E.M.M.B Yatiyana, K.C. Wijesinghe and R. Perera)
- "Magnetic separator to extract ilmenite from beach sand", Proceedings of the International Conference on information and Automation, December 15-18, 2005, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p 1-6 (co-authors: Indrajith M.K.D.N, Peiris B.C.M., Perera L.P.R.S, Somapriya G.R.H.U.)
- "Power System Harmonic Effects on Distribution Transformers and New Design Considerations for K Factor Transformers", Transactions IEE Sri Lanka, Colombo, vol 6, No 1, Aug 2005, p 22-30 (co-authors: N.R Jayasinghe, K.B.I.M. Perera)
Paper presented at the tenth annual conference of the IEE Sri Lanka, September 2003, Hotel Galadari, Colombo. - "Drying Time for Transformer Core and Winding Assembly", Transactions IEE Sri Lanka, Colombo, vol 6, No 1, Aug 2005, p 40-43 (co-authors: P.D.C. Wijayatunga, Kosala Gunawardhana, Rukshika Pathberiya, N.H.K.L. Sirisena, J.A.Vitharana, K.R.S.Dematagolla, J.A.I.T.Jagoda)
Paper presented at the tenth annual conference of the IEE Sri Lanka, September 2003, Hotel Galadari, Colombo. - "Development of a Software Package for Calculating Current Rating of Medium Voltage Power Cables", Transactions of the IEE Sri Lanka, vol 5, No 1, Sep 2003, p50-57. (co-authors: D.G.A.K. Wijeratna, H.J.C. Peiris, H.Y.R.Perera)
Paper presented at the ninth annual conference of the IEE Sri Lanka, September 2002, Hotel Galadari, Colombo. - "Coconut Oil Insulated Distribution Transformer", Transactions of the IEE Sri Lanka, vol 4, No 2, Sep 2002, p 1-5 (co-authors: D.C. Abeysundara, C. Weerakoon, K B M I Perera, K C Obadage and K.A.I. Gunatunga)
Paper presented at the eight annual conference of the IEE Sri Lanka Centre, September 2001, Hotel Galadari, Colombo. - "Coconut oil as an alternative to transformer oil", ERU - Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Research for Industry, Moratuwa, Nov 2001, p A12-A22, (co-authors: D.C. Abeysundara, C. Weerakoon, K.A.I. Gunatunga and K.C. Obadage)
- "Historical Development of the Transformer", Transactions IEE Sri Lanka, Colombo, April 2002, vol 4, No 1, p 1-15.
Presented as the IEE Sri Lanka Chairman's Lecture on 14 November 2000, Colombo - "Software Guided Safe Loading of Transformers", Proceedings, International Conference on Power Transformers, New Delhi, April 2000, p 117-124 (co-author: KBMI Perera)
- "AC-small power DC hybrid transmission for improving power system stability", Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, vol 56., 2000, p 9-15 (co-authors: Pahalawaththa, N., Annakkage, U., and Boys, J., )
- "Increasing the power transfer capability of an ac transmission line using a parallel small power dc link", Transactions IEE Sri Lanka, Colombo, vol 3, No 2, April 2001, p 52-55. (co-author: H Jahan C Peiris)
Paper presented at the fifth annual conference of the IEE Sri Lanka Centre, September 1999, Hotel Galadari, Colombo. - "Lightning protection of pole mounted transformers and its application in Sri Lanka", Transactions IEE Sri Lanka, Colombo, Vol 3, No 2, April 2001, p 43-51. (co-author: D A J Nanayakkara)
Paper presented at the fifth annual conference of the IEE Sri Lanka Centre, September 1999, Hotel Galadari, Colombo. - "Loading of Transformer beyond nameplate rating", Engineer, vol xxx, September 1999, No 03, Colombo, pp 58-65(co-author: KBMI Perera)
- "The co-ordination of directional overcurrent relays based on direct iterative method", AUPEC '98, Tasmania, Australia, Vol. 1, September 1998, p331-336 (co-authors: Dezhi Luo, C.P. Arnold).
- "Estimation of Optimum Transformer Capacity Based on Load Curve", Transactions of the IEE Sri Lanka, Jan 2001, Vol 3, No 1, p 36-40.
Paper presented as "Optimization of Transformer Design based on Load Curve", IEE Sri Lanka Centre, Annual Sessions '98, September 1998, p 1-6 (co-authors: KBMI Perera et Al) - "A Feasibility study on the use of alternative energy sources for tea drying", UPEC 1997, UMIST, Manchester, UK, September 1997, p 1-4 (co-authors: Wijayatunga et Al)
- "Cost-benefit analysis for introduction of compact fluorescent lamps - A case study for Sri Lanka (1995)", SLEMA Journal, Vol 9, No 1, April 2000, p 3-5 (co-authors: W J L S Fernando, V B Wijekoon et Al)
Paper presented at SLEMA Sessions, 1996 - "Some measurements on energy efficient compact fluorescents", Symposium on Research for Industry, University of Moratuwa, 12 July 1996, (sole author)
- "Power Factor and Harmonic distortion in Compact Fluorescent Lamps", Trans IESL, Colombo, 1995, Vol. 1, Part B, p 29-37 (co-author: Wijekoon)
Discussion on "Power Factor and Harmonic distortion in Compact Fluorescent Lamps", Trans IESL, 1995, vol. II, p 26-28. - "Energy Efficient Lighting for Households: A Survey", SLEMA Journal, vol. 6, No 1, Apr/May 1995, p 1-9 (co-authors: Perera et Al)
- "Cost Effective Insulation through Proper Co-ordination", Professor R H Paul Commemoration Lecture 1994, Engineer, Colombo, vol. xxiii, No 1, June 1995, p 59-74 (sole author)
- "Efficient Simulation Techniques for some common non-linear elements in Power System Studies", PSCC Conference, vol. 11, France, Aug - Sep 1993, p 1-7, (Co-authors: McLaren et Al)
- "A simulation model for capacitively coupled voltage transformers in relay studies", Proceedings, IPEC Conference, Institution of Engineers, Singapore, March 1993, p 555 - 560 (Co-authors: Keerthipala et Al)
- "Frequency dependant Magnetic core-loss simulation in time domain studies", Trans IESL, Colombo, 1992, Vol. 1, p 238-245 (sole author)
Discussion on "Frequency dependant Magnetic core-loss simulation in time domain studies", Trans IESL, 1992, vol. II, p 49-50. - "Inclusion of frequency dependant losses in transformer flux-current excursions", IJEEE, Manchester, Oct 1992, vol. 29, No 4, p 321-328 (sole author)
- "Improved Simulation models for current and voltage transformers in relay studies", IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Jan 1992, Vol. 7, No 1, p 152-159 (co-authors: McLaren et Al)
- "Generation of Transient flux-current excursions in instrument transformer cores", Trans IESL, Colombo, 1991, Vol. 1, p 96-101 (co-author: McLaren)
Discussion on "Generation of Transient flux-current excursions in instrument transformer cores", Trans IESL, Colombo, 1991, Vol. II, p 32-34. - "A computationally efficient MOV model for series compensation studies", IEEE Trans on Power Delivery , Oct 1991, Vol. 6, No 4, p 1491-1498 (co-author: McLaren)
- "B-H loop representation for transient studies", IJEEE, Manchester, July 1991, vol. 28, No 3, p 261-270, (co-author: McLaren)
- "A Framework to Assess the Economics of Wind Power Generation using Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines", Engineer, Colombo, vol. xix, No 02, June 1991, p 46-55 (co-authors: WJLS Fernando et al)
- "Closed-loop relay testing with real time electro-magnetic transients simulation", Canadian Electrical Association Proceedings, Toronto, May 1991, p 1-15, (co-authors: McLaren et Al)
- "A workstation environment for assessing relay performance", Proc of IEEE/Wescanex '91, Regina, May 1991, p 14-19, (co-authors: McLaren, et Al)
- "Energisation of a Transformer feeder", Engineer, Colombo, vol. xix, No 1, March 1991, p 14-24 (sole author)
- "Transient response of capacitive voltage transformers", Engineer, Vol. xviii, No 4, Dec 1990, p 27-32 (co-author: McLaren)
- "Some comparisons of impedance relaying techniques on a long transmission line", Trans IESL, 1990, Vol. 1, p 82-92, (co-authors: McLaren)
- "Simulation of current transformer saturation in power system protection studies", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ottawa, Sep 1990, Vol. 1, No. 9.5, p 1-4, (co-author: McLaren)
- "A workstation environment for assessing relay performance under transient conditions", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ottawa, Sep 1990, Vol. 1, No. 9.2, p 1-4, (co-authors: McLaren, Gole,.....)
- "Some problems in relaying series compensated lines", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ottawa, Sep 1990, Vol. 1, No 1.1, p 1-4, (co-author: McLaren)
- "An MOV model for series compensation in transient studies", Proceedings, vol. II, 33rd Mid-West Symposium on Circuit and Systems, Calgary, Aug 1990, p 633-636, (co-author: McLaren)
- "Simulation of B-H excursions for transient studies", Proceedings, vol. I, 33 rd Mid-West Symposium on Circuit and Systems, Calgary, Aug 1990, p 370-373, (co-author: McLaren)
- "Transient performance of a grid-connected induction generator for small-scale power generation", Engineer, March 1990, vol. xviii, No. 1, p 37-50, (co-authors: Fernando & Karunaratne)
- "Solution of an ill-conditioned fast decoupled load flow problem using acceleration", IJEEE, Jan 1990, vol. 27, No. 1, p 53-61, (sole author)
- "Evaluation of the reliability of Power Systems using the improved dc load flow technique" Engineer, Colombo, June 1989, vol. xvii, No. 2, p 24-36, (co-authors: Induruwa & Malembeka)
- "A solution of the power system load flow problem on the digital computer using the improved dc load flow technique", Engineer, Colombo, March 1989, vol. xvii, No 1, p 14-21 (co-authors: Induruwa & Malembeka)
- "Accelerated solution of the fast decoupled Newton-Raphson load flow algorithm in power system studies", Engineer, Colombo, September/December 1988, vol. xvi, No 3 & 4, p 3-11, (Co-author: Vilathgamuwa)
- "Representation of Magnetisation Curves over a wide region using a non-integer power series", IJEEE, Manchester UP, vol. 25, No 4, October 1988, p 335-340, (Sole author)
- "Transformer equivalent network for switching surge studies", Engineer, Colombo, Jun 1988, vol. xvi, No 2, p33-47 (Sole author)
- "Transient stability study of a simplified Sri Lanka power system", Engineer, Colombo, , March 1988, vol. xvi, No 1, p 24-38, (co-authors: Weerasooriya et Wijayatunga)
- "Power curve representation of transformer magnetisation characteristic", Engineer, Colombo, June 1987, vol. xv, No 2, p 47-52 (Sole author)
- "Optimal load flow study on the 1984 power system of Sri Lanka", Engineer, Colombo, Sep 1987, vol. xv, No 3, p 32-39 (Co-authors: Karunaratne & de Silva)
- "Inclusion of surge diverters in system overvoltage calculations", Proc IEE, vol. 126, No 12, Dec 1979, p1263-1268, (Co-author: Cornick)
- "The dc network analyser: An effective instrument for the teaching of the load flow problem", IJEEE, vol. 15, p 351-359, Manchester UP, 1978 (Co-authors: Karunaratne et Al)
- "A fast decoupled sparsity oriented algorithm for the solution of the load flow problem in electric power systems", Trans IESL, p 36-44, Colombo, 1976, (co-authors: Karunaratne et Al)